We have waited far too long for Ryn (oh right, Ryn is Yvonne Nelson’s baby name). The actress who has taken us through a series of lies has for the first time showed this world a vivid picture of the little adorable baby.

Looks like our pathological liar and alleged home wrecker is covering the April edition of the Agoo Magazine. We are all in the known of all the scandals that come up when Yvonne and this very baby of hers come up.

How anyone can allow herself to be pregnant yet vehemently deny she ever is knowing very well that just like night and day that bump sure would give her out remain unfathomable right up until this day.

But we are not even here to talk about that— those things amongst others highlight all that the actress is and we would not tolerate any gibberish talk of she being a celeb and wanting to keep her private life private.

Privacy has never been synonymous with lies. Was Naa Ashorkor not pregnant, ever saw her pictures somewhere? yet she said nothing about it, gave birth and we are all here and not even a tad bit of scandal has made their way to her.

Anyway, Baby Ryn is a sight to behold. She is sat on her mother’s lap looking all shades of cute and beaming like the early morning sunshine.

Check her out.


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