Veteran American comedian cum author, Steve Harvey has descended on the current generation of African-Americans for downplaying his efforts in bettering the lives of many of their folks.

A furious Steve Harvey stated that the current kids “must have forgotten who I really am”.

During a recent interview, Steve Harvey indicated that he came under a barrage of attacks when he met then US President-elect Donald Trump in 2017 noting that the young generation hid behind social media to attack him.

He revealed how he was saddened as most of this young social media users do nothing for themselves: “They ain’t shaking, they ain’t moving.”

Steve Harvey also recounted the period in America when Blacks were not recognized to the current situation which has seen an African-American risen to be president.

“We fought so hard to be called African-Americans. I am the first person from the US to do television in Africa. It was important for him to come home and do some shows. My heart is in America…but my soul is in Africa. I spent my entire career-changing Black people’s lives. We made Black comedy the big thing that it is today… but the young kids they forget it,” Steve Harvey added.


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