Undoubtedly, December is a very important month to Christians. It’s the time that Christians celebrate the birth of Christ, their redeemer and leader. They attach lots of reverence and sense of significance to the celebration. The festival is celebrated for many reasons. Whilst some use the opportunity to reunite with family and friends and as such repair relationships, others also wholly immerse themselves in the throne grace of God and adore him endlessly. To some people it is the time to showcase best meals, alcoholic beverages and clothes.

In my boyhood, I always look forward to this important moment. My mother made sure I got the best of everything during this time. The decorative Christmas tree and rope light generates a measure of intense excitement in me. All children love Christmas. After the yuletide, our kingly treatments hit a snag and things become as boring as watching Bukom Banku express himself in English.

Lots of Christians, though very poor always find a way to join the Christmas frenzy. You will be surprised to discover that your neighbour, who hitherto could not afford any decent meal, will suffocate your nostrils with aromatic meal emanating from her kitchen during Christmas, indicative of her preparedness not to forfeit her ‘religious obligation.’ That’s the gripping effect Christmas has on the followers of Christ. However, after a lot my enlightenment and my quest to find answers to many of life mysteries and things connected to religion, I have come to realize that there is a dark side to Christmas despite the worthy and good cause that Christmas tends to depict. Before I further my stance I want to put on record that I am not affiliated to any religious denomination. I am just a theist who is liberal, broad minded and seek nothing but the truth.

Christmas is a day set aside to celebrate the birth of Christ but interestingly Jesus Christ did not even admonish his followers to celebrate his birthday neither did he celebrate his own birthday when he was on earth to perhaps be the catalyst for worldwide acceptance of this popular celebration. Historians and Bible scholars have unanimously emphasized that the date of his birth is unknown. A thorough examination of Christmas reveals it has deep connection with paganism. The burning of candles and Yule logs, hanging decorative wreaths and caroling and Christmas tree all have pagan customs that has subtly metamorphosed into what we call Christmas today.

You might strongly argue that these are seemingly harmless customs, hence there is absolutely nothing wrong to practice them. Then again you might say some use the period of Christmas to help the poor or needy and engage in various worthy practices. The bible, a book that contains all instructions and guidelines of God has not instructed anyone to observe Christmas.  Majority of Christians do not have a deeper understanding of the bible and their interpretations of lots of the texts in the bible is fraught with lots of ‘deficiencies.’ That is why some engage in activities thinking they are doing it in the name of worshiping God and pleasing him. In Amos 5: 21, 23. God said to the people of Israel thus: I hate, I despise your festivals…..spare me the din of your songs.

Jesus rather told his followers to commemorate his death. And that is only celebration he has officially endorsed. After considering the above facts it will be prudent on your part as a true Christian to divorce yourself from non-Christian and pagan customs. We can still help the poor and needy, spend quality times with our friends and family and eat and drink the kind of meal we throughout the whole year, not only on Christmas

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