We live in the pot calling the kettle black of generation. People would say all sort of ill things about you when in actual sense they do far worse when no one is watching.

We have always maintained that people stop judging others because they sin differently but we always find ourselves someway somehow doing that. The bottom line is, we are all guilty.

Days ago Efia Odo and Moesha Budoung tore into each—name calling each other and washing their dirty linen to the public. Truth is, they are all the same— two sides of the same coin and we all know they live lives whichever way they wish to afford the luxurious lives they live. Moesha has had the decency to be open about what she does but we cannot say same for Miss Odo and amazingly, she is always the one shading the next person.

We cannot tell if it is bitterness or she has a lot of time on her hands. All we know is she is throwing tantrums, claiming that she deserves to be paid by some people before she beefs with them.

We know this is directed at Moesha and we know she would spit venom too.

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