The discomforts women go through in the labour front are enormous. Some employers dismiss women soon after child birth. Others suffer all sorts of discriminations uninmaginable . The fight for equality has still not yielded anything desirable.

In the quest to bridge this gap especially in the labour sector, Zambia has just passed a law to allow females in the country to take a day off when they are their menses. The day has been termed Mother’s Day and it applicable to all women, whether they have children or not.

According to a BBC report, women have welcomed the news excitedly whilst others have opposed it vehemently. NdekelaMazimba is one of the supporters of the law. She said the law is a very good one because the many challenges that women encounter on daily bases.

On the other hand those who want to be scrapped MutinkaMusokotwane- Chikopela, who is married and has three children;Mother’s day will promote laziness in working women.

“I don’t believe in it and I don’t take it. Menses are a normal thing in a woman’s body. It’s like being pregnant or childbirth. I think women take advantage of that, especially that there’s no way of proving that you are on your menses or not.”

Another factor which Mutinka raised is the fact Zambia has too many holidays, one of which includes a holiday for national prayers. “The problem is in Zambia is that we have too many holidays – including a holiday for national prayers. So I guess Mother’s Day makes those that love holidays.

Zambians are still embroiled in the relevance of law or otherwise. However beyond that, we think it is a step in the right direction in giving cognizance to the problem women face that are ignored and exploited. The fact recognition of that sort has been given to women shows Africa is ready to give significance to women.


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