The truth is, one can never know a person as they wish to because people change with time and under certain conditions.

People are too quick to ask questions on how soon people got married or got themselves laid after meeting up. In their ideal world, one is supposed to date someone for a longer period, preferably a year and more before they can have anything solid with them.

They rely on a misconstrued perception that guarantees the longevity of the relationship but that has never been the issue.

Nothing actually guarantees nothing because we live in a rather subjective and alternative world— something singer Mzvee shares in.

According to her, there is no need for one to date anyone for way too long before walking the aisle.

“People date for four years and all. Why? What do you want to study.?  “See, the truth is that you cannot know anyone fully. People grow as time goes on. They evolve and they get to learn new things every day so why waste someone’s time all in the name of ‘I’m studying you.”

“I know some school of thought says at least the longest you can date is 18 months but the truth still remains, there is no point in dating for too long.”

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