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Ultimate Fighting Champion

While the UFC hasn’t been around for that long (it officially became recognized as a professional MMA institution in 1993), the proud history of mixed martial arts goes back a lot further than that. The roots of the UFC and of MMA, in general, stretch all the way back to the founding of the Pankration event in the Greek Olympic Games in 648BC. Next, jumping forward to about 80 years ago, the world would see a Brazilian form of MMA, known as Vale Tudo (which translates to “anything goes”), igniting a much larger interest in the sport than ever before. It was not long before MMA gyms were popping up all over the country, but the UFC stood out as an organization. Their aim was to find the ultimate fighting champion, as the name implies, by hosting a series of tournaments in which athletes would compete, using a variety of fighting styles. 

2021’s UFC roster is packed to the gills with brutal fighters who are chomping at the bit to show the world what they’re made of, but two stand out head and shoulders above the rest: Israel Adesanya and Kararu Usman. Let’s take a closer look at these Nigerian fighters and what makes them so unique.

Image by Marko Garic via Pexels

Israel Adesanya

Technically, Israel Mobolaji Temitayo Odunayo Oluwafemi Owlolabi Adesanya is a New Zealander, though he was born in Nigeria in 1989. Not only is this fighter the current UFC Middleweight Champion, but he is also a kickboxer and the former Glory Middleweight Championship challenger. His life began in Lagos as the oldest of five children. His interest in fighting started at a young age: he enrolled in Taekwondo as a youngster but was soon removed by his concerned mother after an injury. At the age of eighteen, his interest in martial arts piqued once again, and he began kickboxing in earnest. He saw so much potential in the career that he could have as a fighter that he decided to leave college and pursue fighting full time. At twenty-one years old, Israel made the big move to New Zealand to begin training with Eugene Bareman. It wasn’t long until the youngster paid his dues and began appearing in high-profile fights.

In December 2017, the UFC announced that Israel had signed a contract with them. He won his very first fight and set the stage for what is still unfolding as a glorious career. His latest UFC achievement is his win against Marvin Vettori, which earned him the Middleweight Championship title.

Image by Starkvisuals via Pixabay

Kamaru Usman

Another strong argument for Nigeria taking over the UFC is welterweight fighter Kamaru Usman. The thirty-four-year-old Nigerian American was born in Auchi, Nigeria, to a major (his father) and a teacher. He and his two brothers grew up in Benin City before the family emigrated to the USA when Usman was only eight years old. As a high school student in Dallas, Texas, Usman began wrestling. He excelled at the sport and continued into his college career at William Penn University. When he transferred to the University of Nebraska at Kearney, his talent really took hold, and the young Usman placed top three nationally all three years he attended the university. While his Olympic dreams were dashed, they were replaced with a desire to become The Ultimate Fighter. He joined the tournament in February 2015 and went on to the quarterfinal of his bracket, undefeated. He would go on to win the tournament in July of that year, win the Performance of the Night award and a six-figure contract with UFC.

Usman debuted as a UFC fighter in December of 2015 against Leon Edward: a fight that he won by unanimous decision. His star would continue to rise over the next seven years, bringing us to 2021, which would see him defend his hard-won Welterweight title against Gilbert Burns. However, this fight was not to be; Usman pulled out. The match was postponed until February, when he successfully defended his title and earned yet another Performance of the Night award. April of 2021 saw yet another successful title defense against Jorge Masvidal and another in November against Colby Covington.

Image by Bruno Bueno via Pexels

Wrap Up

With these fighters’ careers far from over, one wonders at the wealth of talent that is yet to come out of Nigeria. If these two fighters are anything to go by, the odds are huge that Nigeria will yet have more fighters to add to the UFC roster.

Source: Unsplash

Naomi Osaka is a 23-year-old Japanese tennis player who, despite being a four-time Grand Slam singles champion and the defending champion of the US Open, is famously recognized for refusing to participate in the French Open press conferences in May 2021.

From Hero To Villain Overnight

Osaka is a pioneer in her field. Yet, many individuals, including public figures, turned against Osaka after her media boycott. Piers Morgan called her an “arrogant spoiled brat,” while Oliver Brown, a sportswriter for the Telegraph, accused her of “diva behavior.” Osaka later pulled out of the competition.

Since then, Osaka has come under more scrutiny, following her Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue and her Netflix documentary, which hit screens on July 16. Clay Travis, Fox Sports Radio host, called her a hypocrite, tweeting that Osaka says she’s too introverted to talk to the media, but she can launch a reality show and be on the cover of Sports Illustrated. American journalist Megyn Kelly and Piers Morgan echoed Travis’ remarks.

In many ways, these recent moves by Osaka are textbook examples of “if you can’t beat them, join them.” When the tennis star refused to speak to reporters, people were confused: isn’t she a media personality? The answer was always no, but if people turned against her for her lack of media presence, why not do the opposite in the future? The Piers Morgans of the world wouldn’t have a problem with that — that’s what they wanted.

Alas, they did. However, for the 99%, those of us who watched journalists rip into Osaka, her recent moves, particularly her Netflix documentary, could prove vital in the global support she receives as she charges toward the podium at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.

Redemption At The Olympics

If you follow tennis, then you know that, despite the negative attention Osaka has received this year, she’s still a favorite to take home the gold at the women’s singles tennis tournament. Osaka will represent Japan —the country has online sports betting odds of 29/10 to win over 55 medals at the event— instead of the United States. She relinquished her American citizenship in 2019.

Source: Unsplash

For those who don’t follow tennis, watching Osaka on the big screen could be a wake-up call that the media’s character assassination is unjust. Osaka’s documentary offers insight into the life of a young biracial woman, navigating triumphs and tough decisions as she makes history as the first Asian tennis player to be ranked number one.

It’s not unreasonable to think people with no prior interest in tennis and who only know Osaka because of the headlines will watch the series and support her throughout the Olympics. After all, if there’s one thing people love, it’s sports documentaries, as evidenced by The Last Dance series being watched by 23.8 million users outside of the US in its first four weeks.

Naomi Osaka is going into the Olympics as a gold medalist favorite in the tennis community and a villain in the media. However, I’m confident her recent ventures will be an eye-opener for bandwagon bullies, and she could become a fan favorite at this year’s event.

A United States State Department data reveals about 4 million Americans live abroad. About a half-million Social Security checks are annually sent overseas and the number is growing. Each month, more than 20,000 Americans cross the border on their way to establishing homes to the south.

Why Retiring Overseas

Some people are planning to buy a small condo in Arizona and grow vegetables in the winter months. Or they could perhaps move to Panama and live in an affordable house near the rain forest and grow orchids.

Live Large by Paying Less

In Ecuador, Nicaragua, Honduras, Ghana, Thailand, or the Philippines, it is possible to live on somewhere around $20,000 or much less a year very comfortably along with enjoying a life with Rummy, Singapore, Malaysia and Ghana gambling industry. Many people can afford luxuries in developing countries that you couldn’t in the U.S.

Health Care and Other Benefits

Health care is the biggest concern for seniors and retirees. Author Barry Golson writes Europe and Latin America medical care, health insurance, hospital facilities, medical procedures or nursing-home care are comparatively more affordable. In many Latin American countries, retirees have privileges ranging from special residence visas to deep discounts on taxes, lodging, and transportation.

Volunteering – Finding Meaning in Retirement

Many people find meaning through volunteer activities abroad. Volunteering is fun and enjoyable. It is a great way to learn about the adopted country, to become part of the community and to give something back to society — teach English as a second language, look after orphans, join the rainforest conservation program, and so on.

Reasons Not to Retire Abroad

There are a few things to consider before moving abroad. How do you feel if you are separated from your family? Are you willing to learn the new language and adapt to the different culture and food? Do you easily get annoyed with long lines and lots of paperwork? Do you have something to do in your adopted country, such as a hobby, passion or job? Sitting on the beach and sipping a drink can make you old fast.

Retired People Struggle as the Average Cost of Living Rises

The over-60’s used to regard retirement as a time to relax and unwind, but money problems mean that this is no longer the case for many retired people. The average cost of living has been steadily rising at the very time that retirement incomes are falling. This has meant that increasing numbers of retired people are struggling with money problems and personal debt. To make matters worse, many over-60’s aren’t claiming state benefits, such as guaranteed pension credits, housing benefit and carers allowance because they don’t realise that they are available.

Average Cost of Living Increases Affect Retired People Disproportionately

The Office of National Statistics (ONS) found that households run by over-75’s spent 40 per cent of their weekly expenditure of £218 on gas and electricity, food, housing and council tax in 2007. However, those falling into the 65 to 74 age group spent only 30 per cent. A report in January 2009 by the Institute of Fiscal Studies showed that the average cost of living is rising at 5.4 per cent for over 60’s. The average cost of living is only increasing at 0.5 per cent for other age groups, thus explaining why money problems affect over 60’s more than others.

Whilst retired people have often paid-off their mortgage or enjoy lower rental payments, the cost of other household bills tends to be a lot higher for over-60’s. Increasing gas and electricity bills, higher food costs and increased social expenditure mean that many retired people struggle with money problems. An increasing reliance on credit cards and personal overdrafts has increased levels of personal debt for over-60’s.

Household Bills vs. Retirement Income for Over-60’s

According to a 2009 Prudential survey, UK workers are due to receive a retirement income of £17,779 per annum. This represents a fall of £884 compared to 2008; the reduction in retirement income can be largely attributed to falling interest rates on personal savings. The national average salary is £24,908 meaning that retired people receive £7,129 less. Whilst retired people have more time on their hands and incur higher gas and electric bills, household incomes are 29 per cent lower.

Fuel Poverty for the Over-60’s

A recent study by Age concern found that 22 per cent of over-70’s are living in fuel poverty compared to only 6 per cent of the population as a whole. Money problems have been exacerbated by rising gas and electricity costs and the fact that the elderly are at home for longer and feel the cold more. The £200 winter fuel payment used to cover 35 per cent of the average gas and electric bill, but it now only covers 20 per cent. This has placed an added strain on household bills for over-60’s.

Retired People Fail to Claim State Benefits

According to Age Concern, over-60’s fail to claim an estimated £4.6 billion in state benefits, such as pension credit, housing benefit and carers allowance, each year. Retired people fail to claim state benefits because they don’t realize they are available; other seniors are worried by the lengthy and complicated forms. Pension credit guarantees a weekly income for retired people of £189.35 per week. Other seniors are entitled to carers allowance or exemption from council tax. Access to these benefits can help over-60’s avoid crippling money problems.

Retired people can tackle personal debt and boost retirement income. Charities, such as age concern, will help over-60’s perform an assessment of state benefit entitlements. This can lead to pension credit, housing benefit, council tax exemption or even carers allowance for those with disabilities. This can help over-60’s cope with increases in the average cost of living and prevent money problems.

Individuals that have signed-up to credit agreements prior to April 2007 should check to see whether an illegal credit card or unenforceable loan agreement is in place. This could lead to the debt being written-off and any adverse credit entries being removed.

The birth of the influencer is a relatively new phenomenon in today’s social media savvy world. Ghana has plenty of representation in this area, as Ghanaian influencers continue to inspire people globally. Some of them might champion a variety of movements and positive messages, while others might simply report on showbiz news and the odd bit of gossip. Essentially, the types of influencers people can follow online is vast in terms of what they cover and the content they share.  

Not every influencer is conducting themselves properly online, though, as Linus Williams recently shared in a video. As with most industries, you do get the occasional unscrupulous person who abuses their power, but on the whole, the influencers from this side of the pond offer positivity and an all-around beneficial experience to their thousands or millions of followers. 

The rise of the influencer has certainly coincided with the improvements made in our smartphone devices. Social media platforms can now be housed on most modern-day devices, which, in turn, enables people to dip in and out of their Instagram or Twitter profiles whenever they get a moment. Gone are the days when people were only sending text messages or answering calls, instead conducting banking queries, playing the very best online casino games, and hanging on the words of their favourite influencers. The power some of these online personalities have is huge and, on the whole, is used in a positive manner. 

With Ghanaian influencers reaching more and more people on a daily basis, here is a look at a selection of some of the biggest personalities. 

Emelia Brobbey

With over 3.3 million followers on Instagram at the time of writing, Emelia Brobbey is clearly doing something right. Describing herself as an entertainer, humanitarian and television host, Brobbey champions positivity and strives to educate the community on a variety of important issues. Brobbey is one of the thousands of influencers in the country who are making a genuine difference. 

Ameyaw Debrah 

Influencers in Ghana don’t get much bigger than Ameyaw Debrah. An entertainment and lifestyle blogger, influencer, and social media marketer, Debrah has founded his own website, which offers people insights into a variety of news. A graduate from Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology with a bachelor’s degree in publishing, Debrah has a reported reach of over two million people on all of his social media profiles. 

Mona Montrage

Mona Montrage’s rise has been quite phenomenal. Amassing over 3.1 million followers so far, her audience spans across the world. Generally posting about fashion, modelling, styling, celebrities, design, hair and beauty, Montrage is an instantly recognisable face in Ghana as she continues to offer her audience of millions useful tips and advice while empowering women along the way too. 

Maxwell Odonkor

In terms of promoting change, influencers arguably don’t get much bigger than Maxwell Odonkor. An entrepreneur, philanthropist, and youth activist, Odonkor tackles the issues most people ignore and is on an admirable mission to find solutions to some of Africa’s biggest problems. He’s the founder of World Inspiring Network, alongside a whole host of other work. 

Okyeame Kwame

A climate change ambassador and activist, Okyeame Kwame has a large following of over 2.1 million on Instagram as he continues to promote change and spread a variety of worthwhile messages with his massive community of followers. Alongside educating the masses, he also posts about music, celebrities, film, music, and books. 

Other Ghanaian influencers who are continuing to inspire Africans all over the world are Angela Akua, Maxwell Pomeyie, Andy Opoku Dwomoh, Serwaa Amihere, Bismark thejoke, and Kafui Danku. 

Retail therapy has been a significant stress reliever during the pandemic. People have been locked up in their houses most of 2020 and 2021. But E-commerce has flourished, and people have indulged in online shopping, be it for essentials, comfort, or even for pleasure. Here are some items showing us how shopping helped people tide over the pandemic. 

Jewelry and Watches

There has been a considerable surge in the purchase of jewelry and watches, according to jewelry retailer The Pearl Source. Increases in sales for watches ranging from $50K-$100K have seen a sales rise of 48% from 2019 to 2020. At the same time, the jewelry industry has experienced a surge of 106% from March 2020 to March 2021. With the economy taking a downward plunge, these items have become affordable, but luxury brands have soared in business. Whether as an investment or as a fashion accessory, jewelry has been the top choice for gifting.   Fitness has also been a priority for many people, and therefore smart watches with fitness monitors have sold like hotcakes. 


Home fitness has become an in-thing with people becoming more health-conscious about the sedentary lifestyle of work-from-home. Walks and runs have also been more popular since these regimes do not need one to be in crowded spaces. Shoes, therefore, especially sports shoes, have been amongst the most bought items during the pandemic. With excess cash reserves and fewer places to spend, people have invested heavily in shoes. Athleisure sales have seen an 84% rise in sales since the beginning of the pandemic. 


With work-from-home, online classes, and lockdown blues, laptops, tablets, and smart wearables have been on every household’s shopping list. These items are man’s best friend during the pandemic, whether as a necessity or for status or leisure. Entertainment was also restricted to screens. Smart wearables like ear-pods, smart watches, Google-eye, etc., helped individuals tide over the complexities and boredom of life within four walls. 

Home furnishing

Though deliveries and installations were not readily available, many families made most of the time they got home to refurbish. Furniture, mattresses, curtains, paintings, glassware, etc., were purchased to beautify the home. Since people started spending more time at home, they looked to maximize beauty as well as comfort. 


A lot of drinkers stocked up on alcohol. It could have been due to the fear of unavailability or simply lack of entertainment. Sadly, depression has also been a significant part of the pandemic, and alcohol consumption has risen considerably. Beers, wine, spirits, and other alcohol were bought in bulk online with the help of delivery services. The e-commerce D2C wine sales have seen a surge of 153.4% from 2019 to 2020. 


The pandemic has been a huge spirit dampener for most of the world. But people have done whatever possible to keep their spirits high and fight the virus. It’s been tough being indoors and living in complex situations, but shopping seems to have been good therapy for many. Here is how shopping helped people tide over the pandemic.  

Image source – https://pixabay.com/photos/woman-model-portrait-attractive-919047/ 

Dean Henderson, born on March 12, 1997, in Whitehaven, England, has emerged as one of the most promising goalkeepers in modern football. He now plays for Crystal Palace in the Premier League. Get to know Dean Henderson, his biography, age, net worth, career progression, awards, and others.

Henderson began his career at Carlisle United before joining Manchester United’s academy in 2011. He gained valuable experience through loan spells at various clubs, including Shrewsbury Town and Sheffield United.

Who is Dean Henderson?

Dean Henderson, also known as Dean Bradley Henderson, is an English professional footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for Crystal Palace and the England national team. He was born on March 12, 1997, in Whitehaven, England. Henderson started his football journey with Carlisle United in 2005. In 2011, he joined Manchester United’s academy, where he developed his skills and signed his first professional contract in 2015.

Henderson gained valuable first-team experience through several loan spells. In 2016, he played for Stockport County and Grimsby Town. His time at Shrewsbury Town during the 2017-18 season was particularly significant. He became their first-choice goalkeeper, helped the team reach the EFL Trophy final, and was named in the League One PFA Team of the Year.

In 2018, Henderson joined Sheffield United on loan. He played a key role in their promotion to the Premier League, earning the Championship Golden Glove with 20 clean sheets. His performances earned him the Sheffield United Young Player of the Year award. He returned to Sheffield United for the 2019-20 season, where he continued to impress in the Premier League.

Henderson returned to Manchester United in 2020 and made his senior debut in a League Cup match against Luton Town. He also appeared in the Champions League and made several Premier League appearances. Despite showing great potential, he sought regular first-team football, leading to a loan move to Nottingham Forest in 2022. An injury cut his season short, but he made a strong impression during his time there.

In August 2023, Henderson joined Crystal Palace on a permanent deal, signing a five-year contract. The transfer fee was reported to be worth £15 million, plus £5 million in add-ons. At Crystal Palace, he continues to showcase his goalkeeping skills and solidify his position as a key player.

Internationally, Henderson has represented England at various youth levels, including the U20 team that won the 2017 FIFA U-20 World Cup. He made his senior debut in November 2020 and was part of the squad for UEFA Euro 2020, where England finished as runners-up. He was named in England’s squad for UEFA Euro 2024.

Henderson is recognized for his quick reactions, distribution, and ability to control the penalty area. His outspoken presence and ability to make clutch saves make him a dependable goalie. Off the field, he has helped charity organizations and owns two Guinness World Records for football-related accomplishments.

What is Dean Henderson’s age, height, and weight?

Dean Henderson is 27 years old, having been born on March 12, 1997. He is 6 feet 2 inches (1.88 meters) tall. His weight is 85kg, but as a professional athlete, his physical condition is maintained to meet the demands of his position as a goalkeeper.

What is Dean Henderson’s Nationality and Ethnicity?

Dean Henderson is of English nationality. It is reasonable to infer that he is likely of white British ethnicity.

What is Dean Henderson’s profession?

Dean Henderson is a professional football goalkeeper known for his strong distribution skills and ability to handle high balls. He began his football career at Carlisle United before joining Manchester United’s academy at the age of 14.

Henderson progressed through Manchester United’s academy, becoming a regular goalkeeper for the U18 team. He signed his first professional contract with Manchester United in August 2015. In January 2016, he went on loan to Stockport County, making his senior debut and later being recalled by Manchester United due to an injury crisis. He finished his loan spell at Stockport County with nine appearances and three clean sheets.

In August 2016, Henderson joined Grimsby Town on loan. He initially served as a backup but eventually became the first-choice goalkeeper, making seven appearances and keeping four clean sheets before being recalled by Manchester United in February 2017.

For the 2017–2018 season, Henderson was loaned to Shrewsbury Town, where he quickly established himself as the first-choice goalkeeper. He kept numerous clean sheets and was a key player in Shrewsbury’s successful season, which included reaching the EFL Trophy final and the League One play-off final. His performances earned him a spot in the League One PFA Team of the Year.

In June 2018, Henderson signed a two-year contract extension with Manchester United and joined Sheffield United on loan. He played a crucial role in their promotion to the Premier League and was named the club’s Young Player of the Year. He also won the Championship Golden Glove award for keeping 20 clean sheets.

Henderson returned to Sheffield United on loan for the 2019–2020 season and made his Premier League debut. He performed admirably, earning praise for his shot-stopping and distribution. His performances led to speculation about his future as Manchester United’s first-choice goalkeeper.

In the 2020–2021 season, Henderson was added to Manchester United’s senior squad and signed a new long-term contract. He made his senior debut in the League Cup and also played in the Champions League and Premier League. Despite limited opportunities, he impressed with his clean sheets and saves.

In July 2022, Henderson joined Nottingham Forest on loan, where he became the first-choice goalkeeper. He saved a penalty and kept a clean sheet in his second appearance but suffered a thigh injury in January 2023 that sidelined him for the rest of the season.

On August 31, 2023, Henderson joined Crystal Palace on a permanent deal, signing a five-year contract. The transfer fee was reported to be £15 million, with potential add-ons of £5 million.

Internationally, Henderson has represented England at various youth levels and made his senior debut in November 2020. He was part of the England squad for UEFA Euro 2020 but had to withdraw due to a hip injury. He was named in the squad for UEFA Euro 2024.

Henderson is known for his reflexes, vocal presence in goal, and strong distribution skills with both hands and feet.

TeamYearsKey Milestones
Carlisle UnitedYouth careerStarted his youth career before moving to Manchester United’s academy.
Manchester United2011-2023Joined the academy in 2011, signed his first professional contract in 2015. Made senior debut in various competitions including Premier League, League Cup, and Champions League. Loan spells included clubs like Stockport County, Grimsby Town, and Sheffield United.
Stockport County2016Loan spell, made 9 appearances, kept 3 clean sheets.
Grimsby Town2016-2017Loan spell, initially backup goalkeeper, became first-choice. Made 7 appearances, kept 4 clean sheets.
Shrewsbury Town2017-2018Loan spell, established as first-choice goalkeeper, reached EFL Trophy final and League One play-off final. Named in League One PFA Team of the Year.
Sheffield United2018-2020Loan spell, played key role in promotion to Premier League, named Young Player of the Year, won Championship Golden Glove with 20 clean sheets.
Nottingham Forest2022-2023Loan spell, initially first-choice goalkeeper, suffered season-ending thigh injury in January 2023.
Crystal Palace2023-Joined on a permanent deal.
England U16Youth careerPlayed at the under-16 level.
England U17Youth careerPlayed at the under-17 level.
England U202016-2017Made debut against Brazil, part of 2017 FIFA U-20 World Cup squad, won the tournament with England.
England U212017-2019Called up, made debut in 2018, named England’s number one for 2019 UEFA European Under-21 Championship.
England Senior Team2020-Called up in 2019, made debut in 2020, part of Euro 2020 squad (though withdrew due to injury). Named in Euro 2024 squad.

What is Dean Henderson’s Career Statistics?

Beginning with Manchester United, where he primarily featured in cup competitions during the 2020-21 season, Henderson made 13 appearances in the Premier League, 4 in the FA Cup, and 4 in the UEFA Europa League, totaling 26 appearances without conceding a goal. The following season, he had limited opportunities, playing only in cup competitions, making 3 appearances in total.

During his loan spells, Henderson gained valuable experience at different levels of English football. At Stockport County in the National League North during the 2015-16 season, he played 9 league matches. Moving to Grimsby Town in League Two for the 2016-17 season, he made 7 league appearances. His standout loan spell came at Shrewsbury Town in League One during the 2017-18 season, where he played 38 league matches and 48 in all competitions.

Henderson’s most prolific season came with Sheffield United during their 2018-19 Championship campaign, where he played all 46 league matches, helping them secure promotion to the Premier League. He continued to impress in the 2019-20 Premier League season with Sheffield United, playing 36 league matches.

His loan to Nottingham Forest in the 2022-23 Premier League season saw him play 18 league matches. Henderson joined Crystal Palace permanently in 2023-24, featuring in 18 Premier League matches.

Internationally, as of November 2020, Henderson had made one appearance for England.

ClubSeasonDivisionLeague AppsLeague GoalsFA Cup AppsFA Cup GoalsEFL Cup AppsEFL Cup GoalsEurope AppsEurope GoalsOther AppsOther GoalsTotal AppsTotal Goals
Manchester United2020–21Premier League13040405[a]000260
Manchester United2021–22Premier League001010000030
Stockport County2015–16National League North900000000090
Grimsby Town2016–17League Two700000000070
Shrewsbury Town2017–18League One3802010007[c]0480
Sheffield United2018–19Championship46000000000460
Sheffield United2019–20Premier League36040000000400
Nottingham Forest2022–23Premier League18000200000200
Crystal Palace2023–24Premier League18010100000200
[a] Includes UEFA Champions League appearances.
[b] Includes EFL Trophy and other cup competitions.
[c] Includes League One play-off matches.

What is Dean Henderson’s current world ranking?

Based on his market value, Dean Henderson is ranked 854 among all players worldwide, 287th in the Premier League, 13th among all players at Crystal Palace, 106th among all players from England, and 44th among all players according to Transfermarkt.

Ranked 13th among the best sweeper keepers, Henderson’s ability to sweep off his line effectively has been recognized. He is placed 22nd in the ranking of most valuable sweeper keepers. He is also ranked 30th among the best ball-playing keepers.

Who are Dean Henderson’s Parents?

Dean Henderson’s parents are Brian Henderson (father) and Liz Henderson (mother).

Does Dean Henderson have siblings?

Dean Henderson has two older brothers, one named Callum and a sister named Chloe.

Who is Dean Henderson married to?

Yes, Dean Henderson is married.

Does Dean Henderson have children?

Yes, Dean Henderson has a son who was born in August 2023.

What is Dean Henderson’s Net Worth?

Dean has an estimated net worth of $31.5 million. Dean Henderson, currently playing in the Premier League for Crystal Palace, earns a base salary of £100,000 per week, totaling £5,200,000 annually under his five-year contract worth £26.00 million, signed on August 31, 2023, with an expiration date of June 30, 2028. His career earnings amount to £16,744,000, adjusted to £17,290,776 as of 2024. Born on March 12, 1997, Henderson is 26 years old and hails from England. He wears the number 30 jersey and plays as a goalkeeper. There is no release clause specified in his current contract.

YearAgeClubCountryCompetitionWeekly WagesAnnual WagesNotes
2019-202022Sheffield UtdENGPremier League£ 10,000£ 520,000Unverified estimation
2020-202123Manchester UtdENGPremier League£ 100,000£ 5,200,000
2021-202224Manchester UtdENGPremier League£ 100,000£ 5,200,000
2022-202325Nottingham ForestENGPremier League£ 100,000£ 5,200,000
2023-202426Crystal PalaceENGPremier League£ 100,000£ 5,200,000Unverified estimation
2024-202527Crystal PalaceENGPremier League£ 100,000£ 5,200,000Unverified estimation
2025-202628Crystal PalaceENGPremier League£ 100,000£ 5,200,000Unverified estimation
2026-202729Crystal PalaceENGPremier League£ 100,000£ 5,200,000Unverified estimation
2027-202830Crystal PalaceENGPremier League£ 100,000£ 5,200,000Unverified estimation

What philanthropic causes or charities does Dean Henderson support?

Dean Henderson has been involved in philanthropic activities, particularly during his time at Shrewsbury Town Football Club. One notable instance was when he shaved off all of his hair to support Hope House, a local charity dedicated to providing care and support to life-limited children and their families. Dean Henderson and Dominic Calvert-Lewin also contributed $8,000 to the rehabilitation fund of a British footballer in a coma in Australia.

How many awards has Dean Henderson won?

Dean Henderson has garnered several awards in his career, from his club achievements to international honors and individual recognitions. At Shrewsbury Town, he was a runner-up in the EFL Trophy during the 2017–18 season. Moving to Sheffield United, Henderson played a pivotal role in their promotion to the Premier League as EFL Championship runners-up in 2018–19.

During his tenure at Manchester United, he was part of the squad that finished as runners-up in the UEFA Europa League in the 2020–21 season. On the international stage, Henderson was part of the England U20 squad that triumphed in the FIFA U-20 World Cup in 2017 and was also part of the England squad that finished as runners-up in the UEFA European Championship in 2020.

Individually, he has been recognized multiple times, including being named in the PFA Team of the Year for League One in the 2017–18 season, winning Sheffield United’s Young Player of the Year award for the 2018–19 and 2019–20 seasons, receiving the Community Player of the Year award in 2018–19, and clinching the EFL Championship Golden Glove in 2018–19.

In the 2017-2018 season, he was named in the PFA Team of the Year for League One, recognizing his standout performances in the division. In terms of advanced data provided by Opta, Henderson has featured prominently in several leaderboards.

In the 2019-2020 Premier League season, he ranked 8th in Progressive Passing Distance, demonstrating his ability to distribute the ball effectively from the back. During the 2018-2019 Championship campaign, Henderson led the league with 4140 minutes played, showcasing his durability and importance to Sheffield United.

He also ranked highly in several other categories: 5th in Plus/Minus with 37, 5th in xG Plus/Minus with 32.4, and 1st with 21 clean sheets, underlining his defensive capabilities and shot-stopping prowess. Henderson’s statistical achievements extend further with appearances in the top 10 for Clean Sheet Percentage, Save Percentage, Goals Against/90, PSxG-GA, and PSxG-GA/90 across various seasons.

Shrewsbury Town2017–18EFL Trophy runner-up
Sheffield United2018–19EFL Championship second-place promotion
Manchester United2020–21UEFA Europa League runner-up
England U202017FIFA U-20 World Cup
England2020UEFA European Championship runner-up
Individual2017–18PFA Team of the Year (League One)
Sheffield United2018–19, 2019–20Young Player of the Year
Sheffield United2018–19Community Player of the Year
Sheffield United2018–19EFL Championship Golden Glove

Who is Dean Henderson’s Favorite Footballer?

Dean Henderson has cited Peter Schmeichel, the legendary Manchester United goalkeeper, as his favorite footballer and an inspiration for his career.

What Charity Work Has Dean Henderson Been Involved In?

During his time at Shrewsbury Town, Dean Henderson shaved off all his hair in support of Hope House, a hospice for children.

Has Dean Henderson Ever Played Abroad?

Yes, Dean Henderson has played in European competitions like the UEFA Champions League and UEFA Europa League during his tenure at Manchester United and other clubs.

Is Dean Henderson Active on Social Media?

Yes, Dean Henderson engages with fans on social media platforms like Instagram and Twitter, where he shares updates about his career and personal life.

Does Dean Henderson Have Any Personal Hobbies?

Outside of football, Dean Henderson enjoys spending time with family and friends, as well as listening to music and playing video games.

What Are Dean Henderson’s Career Ambitions?

Dean Henderson aims to establish himself as a top goalkeeper in the Premier League and hopes to earn more international caps for the England national team in the future.

Ghgossip.com has explored the private life, career, net worth, earnings and romantic life of footballer, Jude Bellingham.

Jude has become the hottest football personality in England right now. He is a top player in Spanish La Liga and an instrumental member of the English national team managed by Gareth Southgate.

He always brings his A-game to bear anytime he is on the pitch and his journey to greatness has been a rapid but steady one.

Stick to this page as we explore who he is.

Who is Jude Bellingham?

Bellingham is a professional footballer who plays for Spanish La Liga giants, Real Madrid and is an attacking midfielder for the English senior national team

Jude Bellingham Age

He is 21 years old.

Jude Bellingham Height: How tall is Jude Bellingham?

He stands at an impressive height of 6 feet 1 inch which is equivalent to 186cm.

Jude Bellingham Nationality

He is British-Nigerian

Jude Bellingham’s Early Life, Education

Jude Bellingham was welcomed into the world on June 29, 2003, in Stourbridge located in West Midlands.

Jude Bellingham Parents

His parents are Denise and Mark.

His father, Mark works as a police sergeant and had formerly served with the West Midlands Police Unit.

jude bellingham

He was also a sportsman as he was involved in the professional football arena where he was a key player for Stourbridge. He is currently playing a key role in Bellingham’s management team as he is the agent of the Real Madrid star.

His job as Jude’s agent financially rewards him more than his service in the Police Force.

His mom, Denise is the anchor of his life and football career. She relocated from England to Germany when Jude was actively plying his trade for Borussia Dortmund in the Bundesliga. She also made his bed for him most of the times after his games.

Currently, Denise is a resident in Madrid following Jude’s move to Real Madrid and she is always there for him every step of the way while Mark lives in England to offer support and guidance to his brother, Jobe Bellingham.

Jude Bellingham Siblings

Jude is not the only child of her parents as her brother, Jobe is making some humble but giant strides in the football arena.

At eighteen years old, Jobe has caught the eyeballs of many football teams due to his impressive football run at Sunderland in the EFL Championship as far as this season is concerned.

So far, Jobe has annexed 5 goals with one assist.

jude bellingham

Jude and Jobe were featured in their debut for the senior team when Jude was 16 years old. Jude sometimes shows up to support and cheer on his brother while in the stands as he watches on.

Jude Bellingham Girlfriend

It is alleged that Jude was dating Chitty Asantewa. Chitty is a social media influencer and Instagram model who has over 100 thousand followers on TikTok and about 40,000 followers on Instagram.

However, it is reported that Chitty has come out to dismiss the claims of their romantic relationship. Rather, she said she is dating someone else.

Jude is also alleged to have had a stint with Mary Fowler, a Manchester City Women’s player.

Speculations have it that Bellingham took to Mary’s Instagram page to like some photos of he

Jude Bellingham Salary: How much does Jude Bellingham earn a week?

Jude started making strides not more than 5 years ago, however, despite the achievements, he is also making great financial gains in his football career.

He signed a juicy deal with Real Madrid worth £106million. The contract is supposed to last for 6 years and so far he is only 1 year into the contract.

jude bellingham3

Before joining Real Madrid, Jude made some decent earnings from Borussia Dortmund and Birmingham City plus he has several investments that he recoups from.

The 21-year-old superstar takes home €25million annually thus his weekly salary is €480,769 and that technically makes him one of the top earners in football.

Jude Bellingham Social Media

He is on Instagram and has over 35 million followers

What is Jude Bellingham’s Net Worth?

He is worth $50 million.

Jude Bellingham Career

The midfielder is only twenty-one years old, but truly he has an impressive stat line.

Bellingham has made 233 features in his entire professional life.
He has played both domestically for Real Madrid and internationally for England, having previously played for Borussia Dortmund, Birmingham City, and now Real Madrid.

The Englishman has improved greatly as an advanced midfielder since joining Real Madrid. He finished the 2023–2024 season as the team’s leading scorer and supplier, an accomplishment that would make any attacker happy.

Before moving to Real Madrid, Bellingham was linked to a number of clubs, Liverpool being one of the more well-known ones.

Prior to Bellingham was transfer to Madrid in January, Jurgen Klopp made it clear that he was the Reds’ top priority. The sportsman is still heavily linked to Liverpool as of right now, however not in the way you might be thinking.

jude bellingham

Following the Carabao Cup final, the Englishman went all over Virgil van Dijk, saying, “What a player,” on the Dutchman’s Instagram photo. He’s been amazed by a Liverpool player before; early in the current campaign, he was astounded to see a video of Dominik Szoboszlai’s goal, and he mentioned it in remarks on a different Instagram photo.

Is Jude Bellingham from Nigeria?

He was born in Baden-Württemberg to a German mother and a Nigerian father. When he was barely seven years old, his parents moved to England.


Nedim Bajrami is an Albanian professional footballer who currently plays as a winger or attacking midfielder for Italian Serie B side Sassuolo. The Switzerland-born Albanian national began his youth football career with the Grasshoppers before being side by Italian club Empoli in the Winter of 2017.

Who is Nedim Bajrami?

On 28 February, 1999, Albanian parents residing in Zürich, Switzerland welcomed a child, a son they named Nedim Bajrami. Unfortunately, there isn’t much information about his family, early childhood, educational background and other details.

He began his footballing career in Switzerland, where his raw talent was honed in Zürich by the Grasshoppers. In February 2017, he was signed by Grasshoppers, making his debut in a 1-0 loss to FC Thun that same month.

Bajrami moved to Empoli on loan in August 2019 a few days before the 2019/20 season began. There was an option to buy in the clause so the team triggered and acquired his services permanently in 2020. He spent three years before being shipped on loan to Sassuolo. After the loan spell ended, Sassuolo signed him to a permanent deal.

Bajrami is currently at the 2024 Euros with his national side Albanian. In their opening match against Italian, he scored a spectacular goal in just 23 seconds to take the lead for his team. Despite losing 2-1 on the night, the winger went home rejoicing as he has scored the fastest goal in Euros history thus far.

What is Nedim Bajrami’s Age, Height and Weight?

On February 28, 1999, Nedim Bajrami was born to his parents in Switzerland. Presently, he is 25 years old, standing at 5 foot 11 inches (1.81 m) and weighing in at 68 kilograms (149.9 lbs).

What is Nedim Bajrami’s Ethnicity and Nationality?

Nedim Bajrami’s parents had him in Zürich, Switzerland. By virtue of his birth, he is a Swiss international. The professional football player prefers to be recognized with his parents ethnicity and home country in Albania. Thus, he is an Albanian national.

Albania's Bajrami scores fastest ever Euros goal after 23 seconds | The  Daily Star

Where does Nedim Bajrami come from?

Nedim Bajrami was born in Zürich, Switzerland by ethnic Albanian parents.

Which Club Team does Nedim Bajrami?

Nedim Bajrami currently plays for Sassuolo in the Italian Serie B.

Did Nedim Bajrami score the Fastest Goal at the Euros?

Yes, Nedim Bajrami scored the fastest goal at the ongoing 2024 Euros in Germany. In Albania’s opening match against defending champions Italy, the winger put the ball in the net from close range in just 23 seconds.

Italy concedes goal after 23 seconds but recovers to beat Albania 2-1 at  Euro 2024 | National Sports | heraldbulletin.com

Is Nedim Bajrami active on Social Media?

Nedim Bajrami does not have that really strong presence on social media. However, he is particularly active on Instagram.

What is Nedim Bajrami’s Instagram?

Nedim Bajrami is on Instagram as (@bajraminedim11). He has over 50K followers with whom he shares images and videos of his memories.

Who are Nedim Bajrami’s Parents?

The names of Nedim Bajrami’s parents have not been recorded anywhere in the media space just yet. However, they are Albanians residing in Switzerland. His father originally is from Tetova whereas his mother comes from Gostivar, both in Macedonia.

Does Nedim Bajrami have Siblings?

This question has been asked a lot after his record breaking 23 seconds goal against Italy in the Euros. It is unknown at this time if the Albanian international footballer has any siblings. We will be quick to provide updates as soon as any reliable data is made available.

Who is Nedim Bajrami married to?

Nedim Bajrami has not yet made the bold decision of choosing a life partner. At this present day, he has not revealed to the world and his fans which lady he is currently dating and neither has there been reports or rumors on any lady he is or has been in a relationship with.

How many Children does Nedim Bajrami have?

To this day, there has not been any information available regarding Nedim Bajrami’s children. There is a possibility he has not fathered any offspring yet. Updates would be provided as soon as possible.

What is Nedim Bajrami’s Net Worth?

Nedim Bajrami’s net worth has not been made available at the present day. Despite that, it is safe to believe that he has not less than US$5 million as his net worth in 2024. The exact amount would be made available if any of the renowned media outlets reveal it.

How many Houses and Cars does Nedim Bajrami have?

Nedim Bajrami has yet to make open announcement or reveal images of houses and cars he has. Despite the lack of information, we do believe that he owns at least a house in his hometown Albania and a few cars for his errands. Be sure to see updates if Bajrami brings to light any such properties he has invested in.

How much does Nedim Bajrami make annually?

As per contract terms signed with Italian side Sassuolo during the 2023-24 season, Nedim Bajrami makes € 1,540,000 per year.

Nedim Bajrami - Player profile 23/24 | Transfermarkt

How many Businesses does Nedim Bajrami own?

As of now, there has not been any businesses ventures Nedim Bajrami owns. That is the least to say since he has not revealed details about his personal life and business ventures.

How many Investments has Nedim Bajrami?

There is no information in the media space at this time regarding investments Nedim Bajrami has made. As a professional footballer making good income, there is a high possibility he has invested in real estate and a few other ventures.

How many Endorsement deals has Nedim Bajrami?

Data surrounding endorsement deals Nedim Bajrami has penned aren’t presently available.

Does Nedim Bajrami donate to Charity?

There is no data accessible in respect to charities Nedim Bajrami has directly made donations to. However, as a part of “Match Worn Shirts”, an AFL signed contract, jerseys of players are auctioned and Nedim Bajrami’s Number 10 jersey sold the highest at €1,727 after a match against Czech Republic in which game he scored a spectacular goal.

The most expensive Nedim Bajram jersey in the auction, the proceeds from  the sale go to the needy - Sport

How many Philanthropic Works has Nedim Bajrami supported?

Presently, we do not have enough information about the Albanian attacking midfielder’s personal and social life. He has not been in the media for much longer than his record 23 seconds Euro goal against Italy. As and when there is any credible and reliable data, we will provide updates to our readers.

Source: www.Ghgossip.com

Danish professional football player Joachim Andersen who plays center back for both the Denmark national team and Crystal Palace in the Premier League has made a name for himself in the football world.

Joachim Anderson who began his football career at the age of 4 has become of of the best players in the world of football and has shown more skills as a center-back for the Denmark national team and Crystal Palace.

Summary of Joachim Andersen's Biography

Full name: Joachim Christian Andersen
Date of birth: May 31, 1996
Place of birth: Frederiksberg, Denmark
Partner: NIL
Position: Center Back
Height: 1.92m (6 ft 4 in)
Weight: 89 kg or 196 lbs
Net Worth: $40 million
Parents: Jacob Andersen
Siblings: NIL

Joachim Andersen Biography

Danish professional football player Joachim Andersen who plays center back for both the Denmark national team and Crystal Palace in the Premier League has made a name for himself in the football world.

Joachim Anderson who began his football career at the age of 4 has become of of the best players in the world of football and has shown more skills as a center back for the Denmark national team and Crystal Palace.

When he was fifteen, he enrolled in Midtjylland after leaving Copenhagen’s School of Excellence. He relocated to the talent academy in Ikast at Midtjylland, where players like as Pione Sisto, Erik Sviatchenko, Viktor Fischer, Simon Kjaer, and Winston Reid had resided before him.

Joachim Andersen is regarded as a ball-playing defender who can play in defensive midfield as well as on the right and left sides of the central defense. Marcelo Brozović of Inter Milan was the only player in Serie A in 2018–19 with more accurate long passes than Andersen.

He owns shares in several tech companies in addition to investing in the stock market through various ETFs. These include Bellabeat, the first health-tracking app designed exclusively for women, and AirHelp, an app that assists travelers in submitting compensation claims for aircraft delays and cancellations. Additionally, Andersen owns stock in the Copenhagen-based apparel company Han Kjøbenhavn.

When it comes to his family and personal life, there is almost nothing known about Joachim Andersen in the media aside from the fact that he’s the son of Jacob Anderson and his wife.

Andersen Sr. his father prevented Nordic Houseware Group from going bankrupt in 2008. More than 45 million plastic pieces are produced annually by Plast Team, one of its two manufacturing companies, including items for cleaning and storage.

The other, Room Copenhagen, has the authority to manufacture drinking bottles and lunch boxes for companies like Lego and Star Wars according to Forbes.

In 2018, Andersen sold a portion of the company, but he still holds shares and serves as vice chairman of the board. In addition, he is the owner and chairman of Vendsyssel FF, a team that competes in the Danish 1st Division, the second tier.

Joachim Andersen Nationality

Joachim Anderson is a citizen of Denmark hence hold Danish nationality and is from Frederiksberg, Denmark

Joachim Andersen Net Worth

According to livesportworld.com, Joachim Andersen has a net worth of $40 million.

He signed a 5-year contract with the Crystal Palace, for a whopping $20,650,000 including an average annual salary of $4,130,000.

Where is Joachim Andersen from?

Joachim Anderson is from Frederiksberg, a city in Denmark where he was born.

In leafy, residential Frederiksberg, locals relax in the gardens surrounding the Italianate Frederiksberg Palace. Gammel Kongevej is the hub for exclusive clothing and design shopping, while cafes and specialty food stores line charming Værnedamsvej street.

How old is Joachim Andersen?

Joachim Anderson is a very young player as the age of 28 as he was born on May 31, 1996

Joachim Andersen Height & Weight

Joachim Anderson has a height of 1.92 m (6 ft 4 in) and a weight of 89 kg or 196 lbs.

Joachim Andersen Career

At the age of four, Joachim Andersen began playing football for the local team Greve Fodbold, where he remained until 2009. Then he enrolled in Copenhagen’s School of Excellence before moving to Midtjylland, when he was fifteen. He relocated to the talent academy in Ikast at Midtjylland.

Before attending FC Twente’s training system in the Netherlands, Joachim Andersen started his youth career in Denmark. In the Dutch Eredivisie, Andersen made his senior debut for FC Twente. He relocated to Italy and began playing Serie A football for Sampdoria, where his defensive prowess earned him recognition. Andersen moved to Ligue 1’s Olympique Lyonnais in 2019, where he kept up his development as a reliable center defender.

Joachim Andersen has played for the senior national team and represented Denmark at different youth levels. He has represented Denmark in international tournaments, displaying his elite defensive abilities. In European football, Andersen’s prowess in aerial duels, excellent positioning, and ability to play out from the back has made him a highly sought-after defender.

Among Andersen’s professional accomplishments are his contributions to his team’s results in both domestic leagues and European tournaments. Joachim Anderson who began his football career at the age of 4 has become of of the best players in the world of football and has shown more skills as a center-back for the Denmark national team and Crystal Palace.

Joachim Andersen Stats

ClubSeasonLeagueNational cupLeague cupEuropeTotal
Sampdoria2017–18Serie A701080
2018–19Serie A32020340
Lyon2019–20Ligue 1181404061322
2020–21Ligue 130000030
Fulham (loan)2020–21Premier League31100311
Crystal Palace2021–22Premier League3404010390
2022–23Premier League3211000331
2023–24Premier League3722000392
Career total2439150506126910

Joachim Andersen Marital Status

The 28-year-old Crystal Palace defender Joachim Andersen is not known to be married or in any relationship at the moment.

Joachim Andersen Family & Siblings

Joachim Andersen like most celebrities has kept his family and personal life private away from the media hence there’s nothing known about them aside from being the son of Jacob Andersen who is a successful businessman.

Why is Joachim Andersen famous?

Joachim Anderson is famous for his prowess in aerial duels, excellent positioning, and ability to play out from the back.

Joachim Andersen Children

Joachim Anderson isn’t known to have any children of his own at the moment as he seems to be focusing on his career now.

Joachim Andersen Social Media

Joachim Anderson is active on Instagram where he shares photos and videos of his career with fans and loved ones.

How many Philanthropic Works has Joachim Andersen supported?

Most celebrities get involved in charitable works yet don’t want the media to be in the known as it’s something they wish to do outside social media and Joachim Andersen may be one of them as there is no information regarding any charitable work he has been involved in yet.

How many Endorsement deals has Joachim Andersen?

As one of the sort after-defenders, Joachim Andersen is yet to ink an endorsement deal with any brand.

How many Businesses does Joachim Andersen own?

Joachim Andersen is not known to own any business but has invested in a couple of businesses including a clothing line.

How many houses and cars does Joachim Andersen have?

Joachim Andersen is earning enough at Crystal Palace to be able to afford a house and a car but has kept such information away from the media hence we have no idea the number of cars or houses he has.

How much does Joachim Andersen make annually?

Joachim Andersen has signed a 5-year contract with the Crystal Palace, for a whopping $20,650,000 including an average annual salary of $4,130,000.

Does Joachim Andersen have Siblings?

Since there’s no information regarding the siblings of Joachim Andersen, it’s difficult to say if he has any or is an only child.

Who are Joachim Andersen’s Parents?

Joachim Andersen is the son of Jacob Andersen who is a successful businessman but there’s nothing known about his mother at the moment.

How many Awards has Joachim Andersen won?

Joachim Anderson who began his football career at the age of 4 has become of of the best players in the world of football and has shown more skills as a center-back for the Denmark national team and Crystal Palace.

Throughout his young career, Joachim Andersen has been honored with

  • Danish U19 Player of the Year: 2014
  • Crystal Palace Player of the Month: September 2023
  • Crystal Palace Players’ Player of the Season: 2023–24

Source: www.Ghgossip.com

Danish football player Jonas Wind plays professionally as a forward for both the Denmark national team and the Bundesliga Club VfL Wolfsburg.

Jonas Wind is renowned for his technical prowess, especially when it comes to setting up and creating goals.

Summary of Jonas Wind's Biography

Full name: Jonas Older Wind
Date of birth: February 7, 1999
Place of birth: Hvidovre, Denmark
Position: Forward (Striker)
Height: 1.90 m (6 ft 3 in)
Weight: 82kg
Net Worth: Between $1 m - $10 m
Parents: Britt Older Johansen & Per Wind
Siblings: NIL

Jonas Wind Biography

Danish football player Jonas Wind is a forward for the Denmark national and the Bundesliga teams VfL Wolfsburg. He is Per Wind’s son, the former goalkeeper. After joining Rosenhøj Boldklub in 2010 after starting his career in Avedøre IF in 2007, Wind was awarded Youth Player of the Year in 2011. He was the youngest player to ever receive this honor, having only turned twelve.

Jonas Wind participated in three matches for the Denmark U18 national team and 12 games for the U17 squad. In nine appearances for the U19 national team, he scored eight goals. He played in two of the U21 national team’s inaugural games in March 2019, scoring in the ninetieth minute of the second match against Belgium.

Jonas Wind played his first international match on October 7, 2020, winning 4-0 against the Faroe Islands in a friendly game. Coach Kasper Hjulmand called him for the UEFA Euro 2020 on May 25, 2021. He was included in the 26-man roster for the FIFA World Cup in Qatar in November 2022.

Jonas Wind agreed to a contract with German team VfL Wolfsburg that would last until 2026 on January 31, 2022. He netted his first goal in a 2-1 loss against Hoffenheim at home on February 19. With six goals in all competitions in the 2022–2023 season, he tied Yannick Gerhardt and Omar Marmoush for the club’s best scorer.

He scored eight goals in his first ten games of the 2023–24 campaign, including back-to-back braces against Heidenheim and Köln in the first two exhibition games.

Jonas Wind Nationality

Jonas Wind is a Danish national born in Hvidovre, Denmark

Jonas Wind Net Worth

The actual net worth of Jonas Wind isn’t known at the moment as he has kept everything about that away from the media but he’s reported to be between $1m – and $10m with an annual salary of about currently earns €2,040,000

Where is Jonas Wind from?

Being born in Hvidovre, Denmark, Jonas Wind is from Hvidovre the main town in Hvidovre Municipality, Denmark. The town, a suburb of Copenhagen, is about 10 km southwest of the capital’s center. It is the 2nd biggest suburb of Copenhagen, only beaten by Frederiksberg.

How old is Jonas Wind?

Born on February 7, 1999, Jonas Wind is 25 years old now

Jonas Wind Height & Weight

With a height of 1.90 m (6 ft 3 in) and a weight of 82kg, one can say Jonas Wind has a perfect figure and as an athlete, he’s taking very good care of his stature.

Jonas Wind Career

Starting his career in Avedøre IF in 2007, Wind was awarded Youth Player of the Year in 2011. He was the youngest player to ever receive this honor, having only turned twelve.

One of the best clubs in Denmark, FC Copenhagen (FCK), is where Jonas Wind started his career.
In the Danish Superliga, the highest division in Danish football, Wind made his senior debut for FC Copenhagen. He made a strong impression on people right away.

After competing for Denmark at different junior levels, Wind ultimately earned his senior national team debut. Jonas Wind participated in domestic competitions with FC Copenhagen and made a major impact on the team’s performance.

Being a versatile forward who can play on the flanks or as a center forward, Wind is well-known as someone who has a solid physical presence, good technical ability, and a flair for scoring goals. In addition, Jonas Wind has represented Denmark at the international level, displaying his talent.

Jonas Wind agreed to a contract with German team VfL Wolfsburg that would last until 2026 on January 31, 2022. He netted his first goal in a 2-1 loss against Hoffenheim at home on February 19. With six goals in all competitions in the 2022–2023 season, he tied Yannick Gerhardt and Omar Marmoush for the club’s best scorer.

He scored eight goals in his first ten games of the 2023–24 campaign, including back-to-back braces against Heidenheim and Köln in the first two exhibition games.

Jonas Wind Stats

Year Matches Goals Assists Yellow Card Red Card
2024 1 1 0 1 0
2021 2 2 0 0 0
UEFA EURO Qualifiers
2023-24 10 3 4 0 0
World Cup Qualifiers
2021-22 5 2 1 1 0

Jonas Wind Marital Status

Jonas Wind has been very secretive with his personal life and relationship so there’s no available information about his marital status or relationship.

Jonas Wind Family & Siblings

Jonas Wind is the son of Per Wind, born Per Wind Andersen, a Danish former professional footballer who played 590 games as a goalkeeper for Boldklubben Frem and Britt Older Johansen

Why is Jonas Wind famous?

Jonas Wind is famous as a versatile forward who can play on the flanks or as a center forward, and as someone who has a solid physical presence, good technical ability, and a flair for scoring goals.

Jonas Wind Children

Jonas Wind is not known to have any child of his own at the moment as the 25-year-old player is currently focusing on building his career.

Jonas Wind Social Media

Jonas Wind is active on Instagram where he shares photos before and after his matches to keep his fans updated.

How many Philanthropic Works has Jonas Wind supported?

The young versatile player Jonas Wind isn’t known to have been active or partially involved in any philanthropic works at the moment as there’s nothing online in respect to that but he might be doing that outside the media.

How many Endorsement deals has Jonas Wind?

Jonas Wind as a young player at 25 doesn’t have any endorsement deals at the moment per our research but as he gradually builds his career, he will surely have some endorsement deals

How many Businesses does Jonas Wind own?

Jonas Wind is currently focusing on building his career before venturing into other businesses hence the young player has no businesses to his name at the moment.

How many houses and cars does Jonas Wind have?

Jonas Wind might own some cars and houses but as secretive as he is with his personal life, he hasn’t made any of that public.

How much does Jonas Wind make annually?

As an average player and a starter at Wolfsburg, Jonas Wind reportedly earns about €2,040,000 at the end of every year

Does Jonas Wind have Siblings?

Currently, there’s no information regarding the siblings of Jonas Wind hence we can’t tell if he indeed has any siblings or is an only child of his parents.

Who are Jonas Wind’s Parents?

Jonas Wind is the son of Per Wind, born Per Wind Andersen, a Danish former professional footballer who played 590 games as a goalkeeper for Boldklubben Frem and Britt Older Johansen

How many Awards has Jonas Wind won?

  • Jonas Wind was awarded Youth Player of the Year in 2011.
  • Jonas Wind received the ‘Granen’ youth talent award from Kjøbenhavns Boldklub on April 26, 2018.

Source: www.Ghgossip.com