During the course of the week, the Barbados singer, Rihanna had her alarm go off and the Police attended to it. This had not been the first time something of the sort was taking place in the span of 4 months.

A month ago, the burglar’s alarm was triggered again, but when the police came around, there was nothing to write on. They said there was no presence in the house and nothing seemed to have been moved or taken. A faulty alarm then?
But before that, A man was really found loitering around the house and when he was asked what he was doing there, he also stated that he was waiting for RiRi, to have $ex with her and keep her company. This man was arrested and charged, on the basis of Stalking and Breakthrough.

This current robbery rather had the neighbours alert. As they described that they saw a Silver vehicle leave the house but what they couldn’t tell was if something had been stolen from Rihanna’s place. The police came around to do their own investigation too concerning the incident and found nothing much.
In all this the $exy and hot singer, was not home.
Is it lucky or unfortunate?

Source: ghgossip.com

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