Bleaching is like pregnancy and if there is one person who can tell us one cannot hide it forever— it is none other than our very own Yvonne Nelson.

I cannot seem to wrap my head around this very one. Why is that people have decided not to admit to them bleaching? We had Yvonne Nelson going all out saying she was not bleaching and all the crappy stuff she said. We all know the rest of the story.

We have another Yvonne saying she is not bleaching and I know she has forgotten we have past pictures of her. The same lines Yvonne Nelson used— It is light, filters and makeup are practically the same lines this lady has also adopted.

According to Yvonne Okoro, she is not bleaching per a picture she posted on Instagram so no one should come at her. We are not even saying she is. I guess somethings are for Yvonne’s alone.

Check this picture out and take your stand.



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