Zikhona Sodlaka has taken to social media to open up and announce that her father had passed away in 2020.

The star announced that he had passed away on Christmas and been buried on 31 December but that she was only just starting to acknowledge it. Zikhona emphasised the importance of treasuring and taking time for loved ones.

Under her post she wrote; “By some strength I can finally admit to myself that this did happen, my family and I have lost our father.
Probably the most broken I will ever be!
BUT we don’t forget to say thank you even though inxebe lisopha.
Enkosi to the families and friends that hold us in prayer. The 25th of December will hold new meaning from now on.
Pain is exhausting and demanding but it can have all the time it needs. Be patient with us who have lost in 2020.
There is also something very peaceful about finally entering 2021. I hope it lasts.
Rest Lisa. Phumla Jambase. Ncutshe.
My heart 💙 sandzandza. Zangomveweni. Nto yam yonke.
Kuwe umthi omkhulu!
This year, lets take more time for the ones who REALLY love us.
They are easy to know, easy to spot 😊 those ones are the true treasures of life 🍁
Imkile incutshe, izoba yinkalandzidzi yeNgelosi”


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