A video making rounds online captures the moment a prostitute offered fervent prayers to God for a good business night before commencing her escort business.

It is clear this unidentified lady is into the ashawo business not because she wants to but due to circumstances and she still acknowledges that she can’t succeed in this business without him.

She was seen on her knees behind a parked car praying fervently for God to give her rich customers who will pay her more than her charge after satisfactorily pleasing them.

Watch the video and leave your comments below

In more news, an intimate video of sensational skit maker, Nasty Blaq and Ghanaian actress, Yvonne Nelson has sparked dating rumours.

You would recall Nasty Blaq featured Yvonne Nelson in one of his short comic skits that went viral in 2021.

Nasty Blaq took to his Twitter page to share a video showing the beautiful moments he shared with Yvonne Nelson during a vacation trip somewhere in Ghana.

In the video, the two known figures could be seen passionately holding and hugging each other dancing together. They were also captured on a boat cruise and in another scene, Yvonne Nelson also wrapped her arms around his head like a baby.

The video has since elicited reactions from social media users who are suspecting a romantic relationship between the two nationals.

Watch the video below;


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