Two-time world heavyweight champion, Tyson Fury has threatened to withdraw from the Anthony Joshua if all deals are not completed latest by Tuesday.

According to him, the fight has taken far too long to happen and deals are taking forever to be finalized. He seems worn out due to the snail pace with which promoters are working in getting the deals completed

“If I don’t know anything by Tuesday, I’m just going to move on, because it’s been a long time in the making,” 

he said.

The 28-day period given to promoters to find a venue and site deal expired over the weekend, leaving them no choice but to start working on getting another. Eddie Hearn has been quoted saying the fight will still come on regardless of the setbacks they are facing currently.

Speaking at an interview, the Joyfully elated Fury said he is excited about the good offers made by billionaires for the fight to happen in their country;

I’m waiting. There’s a few good offers on the table, I’ve been told, from a few different countries, which is exciting news for me.

I’ve always been quite sceptical about it all.

Like before, I’ve been told there’s quite a lot of big offers on the table, from a few major players, so very interested and excited to finally hear what they are and to see if they are one, feasible and two, can make it happen in whatever country wins the bid for it.

We have to go to Monday, Tuesday by the latest. If I don’t know anything by Tuesday, I’m just going to move on, because it’s been a long time in the making”

Now finally the offers are on the table. We’ll go through them and take the best one.”

Anthony Joshua on the other hand sent a warning to Fury Yesterday saying has no place to hide because he is coming for him.


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