How many times haven’t we heard this story before? Despite the deadly nature of this voyage which always come with the same tales of death, Africans still embrace it and this really beats my imagination.

Admittedly Africa has been reduced to ashes due to corruption and incompetence on the part of our leaders which has ultimately limited opportunities but running away is not one of the solutions.

There are lots of making it and living meaningful life in this circumstance and we think it’s high time our brothers and sisters stay put and help in the transformation of the African continent.

Latest report say Sp anish charity has rescued 167 migrants and found 13 others dead in a rescue operation in the Mediterranean sea. The operation took place about 24km off the coast of Sabratha in Libya. Most of the migrants were reportedly from sub-Saharan Africa and included children as well as pregnant women.

According to the International Organization for Migration, more than 2,200 migrants have perished in the Mediterranean sea so far this year while trying to reach Europe.

The current warm weather has also resulted in increased numbers of migrants making the risky journey. Italy’s coastguard rescued more than 8,000 migrants in just 48 hours last month, according to Daily Mail. Libyan navy spokesman General Ayoub Qassem said many of the migrants are from Mali, Senegal, Sudan and Cameroon.

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