It is amazing how less we think of what we are putting in our mouths and on our bodies. Truth be told, a lot of us and us here means ladies especially think about makeup, hair and clothes.

And our men would rather focus on the apparels and beard, shoes and belts. It is of great paramountcy that we focus on what to put on our bodies.

According to the gynaecologist, there are a lot of things that we do that contribute to us contracting infections that might affect our vaginal health.

“As a gynecologist, I can tell you that the vagina is one of the most impressive organs in the human body,” OB/GYN Dr. Shannon Klingman

 tells Bustle.

“Healthy and unhealthy bacteria both exist in the vagina. The good bacteria prevail the vast majority of the time. The vagina is a self-cleaning organ and tolerates the effects of intercourse and semen, periods and menstrual blood, as well as menopause and pH changes that go along with that.

“With all that wonder being said, there are times when the vagina is more vulnerable to a disruption of its … balance.”

Check out the list below.

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