A canadian woman on Twitter identified as Emilly Swaven has lashed out at men to keep mute and always accept rape accusations thrown at them by the hook, line and sinker.

She claimed that women had been systematically oppressed for years so that calls for a justification into accepting the accusation leveled at them and the years of freedom enjoyed by men can never be compared to the years of oppression women have been through.

Her tweet was received with mixed reactions as some women supported her and others, especially the men disagreed with her.

Her tweet read:

“Men, if a woman accuses you of rape, even if you didn’t do it, you shut up, and accept the charges, women have been systematically oppressed for years and you giving up some years of your freedom doesn’t compare to the oppression they’ve been through”

See tweet below:

Source: www.Ghgossip.com

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