We made an earlier report about American comedian, Michael Blackson lamenting about the high cost of living in Ghana.

It seems his post really made headlines, and according to him, he is glad that his opinion has really garnered attention.

In the recent post he made, he indicated that he has tweeted over 1000 times about his problem with America and no one cared, however, he just made a few tweets about Ghana and it has gotten mind-blowing attention.

The post that he made reads;

“I’ve tweeted 1000 times about my problem with America and no one cared, I tweeted 5 times about my problem with Ghana and It ended up on the news lol. Glad to know my people care about my opinion”

Some reactions the post got are;

@MistaOpinion – It’s in the news because when we those living in Ghana complain, authorities say it’s worse in USA/UK. So since u are from there and you’ve travelled wide, your statement kind of vindicates our concerns.

@fuscudiallo1 – It’s something we want the higher ups to see, cuz obviously no one will mind the lame man 💁🏽‍♂️

@MR_SURPRISE_GH – Here the people also feels your pain , I don’t know about America

Source: www.ghgossip.com

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