American TV star and photo model, Amber Rose has taken to social media to pour her heart out after being cheated on by her fiancé with 12 different women.

Amber Rose cried out that she is tired of being cheated on and embarrassed behind the scenes for so long and can’t any longer be mentally and emotionally abused by people she loves as she accused of her fiancé of infidelity.

She bemoaned the fact that the ladies who had the amorous affair with her fiancé knew he was in a relationship yet they decided to still sleep with him as she claims having all the texts and DMs, however, she admits that they don’t owe her any loyalty.

According to her, she can’t be the only one fighting for her family anymore because she has been loyal and transparent but she has not gotten the same energy in return.  Amber Rose revealed that she knows the girls involved but will not expose them because she is not in the business of ruining lives.

She stressed emphatically that she is done with the relationship because the disloyalty and disrespect is ridiculous is too much.

Reacting to this, an Instagram user identified as @harleemarh wrote;

If you want to suffer in a relationship, just be the good one…. Na you go dey write the whole epistle and get a “kk” as reply 😂….. Abeg abeg abeg, make una pack one side biko

Another user @linda_lincoln wrote’

Why I love Jennifer Lopez, she moves on fast and that is goal.No time for nonsense


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