Actress Martha Ankomah has talked about why she dress decently even though some people show off their body on social media saying she’s not in a competition with anyone.

Martha Ankomah in an interview with Abeiku Santana opened up about a lot of things in her life and speaking about marriage, she said she can’t force God to give her a husband hence she’s waiting on Him for his perfect time.

According to Martha Ankomah, she’s not in any competition with anyone to be showing off any part of her body when they are doing it as she believes in decency and that is what she dresses decently even though the world is shifting to being half n@ked.

She added that so far as she’s comfortable and confident in whatever she’s wearing, she’s okay with it and doesn’t need to do what everyone is doing because she’s not in a competition with anyone to do what they’re doing.

Martha Ankomah is part of the few female celebrities who will pass as role models based on their dressing and what they post on social media because they don’t give the youth unnecessary pressure to be what they are not.

video below;


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