A video that illustrates how religion has imprisoned people’s thoughts has surfaced on social media.

The pastor, referred to by some online commenters as a “Mafia Pastor,” was showered with money by churchgoers as depicted in the video, who then hugged him to get spiritual blessings.

This was after they knelt down and worshipped him at his feet.

The members are immediately sent into the realm of the spirits by the pastor, whose hairdo and sense of style, in the eyes of internet users, seriously cast doubt on his character as a true man of God.

His assistant pastors can be seen keeping any congregation members who might stumble as a result of the spiritual impartation in their hands.

The video has generated conflicting reactions on social media, but there is a consensus that religion has done more damage than good to humanity, particularly Africans.

Watch the video below;

In other news, on Instagram, a comical video of a lovely infant being terrified to death by his sleeping father has made the rounds.

The baby’s father could be heard snoring loudly in the footage that Instablog9ja first posted online.

The infant was completely taken aback by his conduct, wailing inconsolably and displaying an expression that suggested she had not anticipated this from her own father.

The mother of the young child, who was in the room, recorded the precise minute this occurred and later claimed that the baby’s dad was the one who let out the snoring that startled their little child.

Watch the video below;


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