According to Cutie Julls the man who is involved in this amorous affair deals in herbal medicine who also sells male enhancement drugs and apparently, the man ended up testing the potency of his drug on Toyin Lawani.

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She wrote;

Horny ambassador… Konji na real bastard😩😩..

Omo eeeh, so Kolakolagbo hired Toyin to be brand influencer, she ended up being the brander tester wey Kolakolagbo was testing the potent of his konji herbs on. Las las, they started gbenzing with full chest.. 

Now where the imbalance equation set in was when Toyin started gbenzing the photographer that was hired to take all the yeye nude pics that they took for the ads..

After Kola left her, kpakam, Aunty switched to the photographer.. She dey even call am “babe”.. Toyin!!! 😩😩😩

Chai!! Buhari, incase you want Minister for Horny Affairs, I think we have a normonee.

Oluwa! This is too dirty and somehow naw… So the only person that did not beneffit Hunty’s kpekus in that whole kolakolagbo deal was Pretty Mike

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