Nigeria’s president, Muhammadu Buhari, has urged his citizens to quit whining about hunger and head out to the food cultivation fields to harvest their crops.

According to President Buhari, Nigerians shouldn’t be complaining about hunger because there are enough arable lands in the nation and God has blessed them with rain.

These remarks were reportedly delivered by President Buhari on Wednesday in Kano State during an interview with Tambarin Hausa TV.

President Buhari said during his speech that one of the measures he implemented after taking office in 2015 was to reduce imports and push people back to their fields.

“I took that decision to stop rice importation and said we should farm what we eat or die of hunger. I said that since we have farmland and God has blessed us with rain, what reason does a Nigerian have to say he’s hungry?

If you are hungry, go to the farm. I’m aware that floods have ravaged some farmlands this season but we are still selling rice made in Nigeria, and we can feed ourselves. Is that not an achievement?

We have workers who left their air-conditioned offices and went into farming, and they had bounty harvests. So, we are grateful,” he said.

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