Chidinma Ekile who rose to fame after becoming the winner of the Project Fame West Africa show announced that she has quit doing secular music for gospel after giving her life to Christ and this was several months ago.

The adorable singer, took to her Instagram page to share a video of her evangelizing on the streets trying to win souls for Christ and in the video showed her at a beer parlour talking to some men who were heavily drinking beer about God.

She captioned the video;

“Street Evangelism. The other day during our street evangelism.”

Watch the video below;

See some reactions from Instagram users below;


Radical for Jesus… You can’t encounter Jesus and be normal… Things must change


What are you preaching for them to do? Is it not your Jesus that turned water into wine


This is what God wants !!! But everybody just dey do anyhow 


This is HARAS.SMENT . Watch people who impose their beliefs on others everyday acc.use me of imposing my belief on them now 😊


Since she chose to record it for the gram, her reward is clout. Do it in secret and God that sees in secret will reward openly


Let her respect people na! If it was a native doctor who went there with his regalia to perform, they will start taking. She is doing too much Abeg! There is no difference btw her and hisbah police who destroy Alcohol. Face your evangelism and live people alone


Everybody should respect their limit … Meet people one on one don’t interrupt other peoples businesses … Na over sabi dey cause am

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