She shared her comment during a recent interview with The Sun where she said;

“There’s the urge to have that close nuclear family unit and then there’s the reality; it’s not that easy having another child and building a new home. I’ve heard from other people’s experiences too. Somehow, I’ve been able to manage all these years with my daughter.

I am proud of her; she’s in secondary school now. I just want to work on giving her the best. I won’t say that I am using torchlight to look for a family now, but if it does happen, I’ll embrace it with all of me. But the reality of it is that, it’s not as beautiful as it sounds.

The sit-at-home situation just made me know my daughter better. We had more fun, cooked together. I also found out that she loves art; she also discovered that herself. She’s kind of finding art interesting, as we did lot of painting together.

In fact, there were lots of bounding between my daughter and I, because in the last few years, there have been lots of ups and downs; she’s always going to school. It just brought us together more and that’s one thing I am grateful for.”


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