Sound Sultan reportedly died in the US after battling Lymphoma, cancer of the throat and was later buried. He was 44 and survived by three children and a wife.

Comedienne, Princess took to her Instagram page and penned a very emotional tribute to Sound Sultan and she wailed heavily asking why he exited from the earth this early. Following her tribute and other posts she made as she shared screenshots of the conversation she had with the deceased rapper, some fans raised the alarm that she may be going through an emotional meltdown therefore she needs attention.

He wrote;

Olanrewaju you didn’t say you would leave soon. Since we were little growing up in Satellite, you have never gone back on your words. When our mothers chastised me for being playful at 8, you always stood behind me☹️ Despite your illness you wanted to be sure my daughter and I were ok. We spoke almost every day and days you could not talk you just signalled me to keep talking while you watched me on video. Sebi you said when you get better ama soro. Kilode to fimi sile? Who will call me ‘ode’ when I am sad and say “you better be thankful some people have it worse” Who will I call when I am bullied that will cry with me. Bidemi does not understand what is going on.

Zara kept shouting Allah! Mayowa cried the most. Lanre!!!! Your wife is completely shattered, you know how much she adored you. Aunty mi was just talking funny she wept all through. Baba Dee was dishing out orders and trying to be strong but I saw him cry for the first time in my life. Kay is still in shock, he kept saying I am fine but couldn’t stop crying. Oyin and Mama are on another level of pain.

Why did have to leave? Ko da o, Lanre you were my confidant, my supporter, my brother, my good place when things were bad. Ha! osan ti ja, orun dopa😭 Sleep well Olanrewaju

One Adunni Ade wrote “Someone should check on this woman o”

One Paul wrote “I think she should be checked, honestly she is going through a lot right about now. Please check on her and console her, whoever knows her.”

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