Florence Otedola, DJ Cuppy has finally acknowledged the privileges her father Femi Otedola has been giving her as she appreciates him for that.

DJ Cuppy who is enjoying herself in their family house at Monaco appreciated her dad for the privileges he makes her and her siblings enjoy praying that someday she would also be able to give half of that to her children.

According to DJ Cuppy, waking up at their penthouse in Monaco makes her heart filled with gratitude and she’s honored and blessed to have a father as hardworking as hers who has provided her with all these privileges.

Adding that, despite building her own Cuppy empire, the truth is that many of the privileges she enjoys are purely due to the blood, sweat, and tears of her father Femi Otedola over the years and she’s grateful to him for that.

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DJ Cuppy then prayed that one day she would also be able to give her own children at least half of the love and generosity she has received from her family to build a family if not like the one she has now a better one than the one she has now.

It’s a good thing DJ Cuppy has acknowledged the privileges her father Femi Otedola has given her with his sweats and blood over the years and it’s also a good thing she knows that most of the things she’s enjoying now are all thanks to her father.

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Source: www.GHgossip.com

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